Sunday, October 10, 2010

Google Tips

It seems that now a days Google is making changes quite frequently. I do not know the reason but definitely I would like to know about it. In last two weeks we have published lots ‘n’ lots of news regarding the changes made by Google in their features. Lets hope that something really good will come out of it. So, now Google has decided to shut-down a feature which was famous for finding businesses in USA and can be called as voice-directory service.

With the help of this feature you can find any business in USA quite easily. This feature was enabled on the all the OS used on mobile like Apple phones, Symbian phones, Windows phones and Android phones were equipped to use it. As you can get an idea by it name that it was a voice based service where you were supposed to take the name of the business in USA and Canada and then it will direct to that business by checking its entry in the directory database of Google. But now this feature will be disabled and like every time Google has a habit to think for the ease of their users.
So, they have decided that an analogous feature named as phone-calling feature which has been enabled in Gmail can do the same for you. There you can call any one in USA and Canada without any cost and you can also go for the international calls at a very low call rates. Even if you do not want to use this service in laptop and you are comfortable while using it on you mobile, then you can go for sending a text message with the name and the location of the business written in it and then send it to 466453 and then you will receive an SMS in which the phone number will be written of that particular business.
Now, let me tell you that sooner or later Microsoft and other brands in competition will also start with their frequent improvements as no one can see anyone else running so fast, but your are not supposed to worry as we will be updating with all the important news. Meanwhile if you come across any good news which has been missed by us then please do not forget to mention it, as we will try to search more on it and then share with all of our readers.